Masterclass: Building Perfect Partnerships

♥ Check out some of our favourite Partnerships for Growth. We believe they are perfect matches, supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals at the same time. Book my masterclass to learn how I have built these successful partnerships. Discover my insights, including both mistakes and triumphs. ♥

Photo of McLaren Automotive Talent Within You and Worthing Community Chest - example of a perfect partnership for the greater good!

Charity & Auto

McLaren Automotive & Talent Within You

View photo album

Stagecoach night rider £2 unlimited evening travel on Coastliner launch event

Community & Travel

Stagecoach South & Worthing Borough Council

Case study coming soon!

Stagecoach South & Worthing Community Chest - boosting grants for the community and promoting the global goals

Travel | Charity

Stagecoach South & Worthing Community Chest

Read the story!

Partnership for Brand Growth training webinar

Today, we hired Victoria to provide our BIP100 clients with an insight and inspiration around how Partnerships can elevate your brand and achieve greater reach. Victoria prepared so well, created a bespoke webinar and managed the Zoom room with flair. Her genuine interest in everyone came across, and we received some excellent feedback from our members proving that they had great value from the session. Victoria is a lady of integrity and commitment to her subject and I can strongly recommend her.”

Penny Power OBE

Founder, BIP 100 Group

Masterclass: Building Prosperous Partnerships for Brand Growth

Workshop Content:

  1. Introduction to Brand Partnerships
    • Short presentation on the power of brand partnerships with examples.
    • Icebreaker activity: Participants share their current understanding or experience with brand partnerships.
  2. Case Study Analysis
    • Interactive session analysing the Hirakawa Yasuhiro and Yoshikawa Masakazu partnership.
    • Group activity to discuss the BP and Deepwater Horizon partnership and its outcomes.
  3. Identifying Potential BrandBesties
    • Workshop activity to identify and list potential partners that align with their brand values and goals.
    • Techniques for evaluating the potential of a partnership.
  4. The Art of the Approach
    • Role-playing scenarios for approaching potential partners.
    • Strategies for initiating contact and setting the stage for collaboration.
  5. Negotiation and Agreement
    • Key elements of a partnership agreement.
    • Workshop on negotiation techniques and establishing terms that benefit both parties.
  6. Nurturing the Partnership
    • Strategies for maintaining a healthy partnership.
    • Group discussions on potential challenges and solutions.
  7. Measuring Success and When to Pivot
    • Setting up metrics for partnership success.
    • Case studies on successful pivots and dissolutions.
  8. Q&A Session
    • Open floor for participants to ask questions and get advice tailored to their situations.

Insights and Takeaways:

  • Understanding of what makes a partnership successful and how to align it with brand values.
  • Criteria for selecting the right partner and red flags to watch out for.
  • The importance of clear communication and well-defined agreements.
  • Strategies for approaching and negotiating with potential partners.
  • Techniques for nurturing and sustaining a successful partnership.
  • Methods for measuring the success of a partnership and knowing when to adapt or walk away.


  • A toolkit with templates for partnership evaluation, approach strategies, and negotiation checklists.
  • Access to a network or community for ongoing support and potential partner contacts.
  • Follow-up webinar or email series to check in on progress and provide additional support.

This outline should help participants leave the workshop feeling equipped and inspired to seek out and cultivate valuable brand partnerships.

Perfect Partnerships Masterclass by The Brand Surgery

Partnership for Brand Growth training webinar

Thanks Vicky for coming to BIP virtually today and delivering a great presentation. Really interesting subject – how to create the right sort of business partnership. I was curious about your take on the subject and enjoyed your content and I took some useful actions away as well as learnt some practical things to take into future partnership discussions. To anyone reading this – Vicky knows here stuff! Hire her.”

Jeremy Cassell

Bestselling Author | Virtual Presentation Coach | Keynote Speaker, "Exceptional presenters are made, not born" |

Partnership for Brand Growth training webinar

So very impressed at a presentation Victoria delivered today. The ideal balance of content, interaction and discussion. Every single person who attended was left feeling excited about the opportunity of partnering and armed with the right knowledge on how to develop the right partnership, the pitfalls to avoid and the factors required for it to be successful. Thanks very much for time so very well spent this morning, that I know will reap benefits in the weeks and months to come.”

Leslie Thomas

Money Mastery Business Coach, BIP 100 Group